1. A unique name and a distinctive brand

In 2017 Glenn devised the Selfsuite® name. It is completely unique and has never been registered as a company name, product name or domain anywhere in the world.

In two syllables Selfsuite® perfectly captures the two core attributes of the the service: it is a suite of applications to be used for the explicit benefit of individual.

To supplement the name a mnemonic device was conceived to convey the dual benefit of the service which allowed an individual to look out into the world of opportunities and also inside themselves. The eye is regarded as the window into the soul and has the added benefit of an instinctive attractor for the audience. Rather than a window device, a visual pun of a doorway into the pupil can be interpreted both metaphorically and literally.

The door also provided the crucial visual link between the iconographic device of the eye and the text logo.

The font family chosen is Avenir and with the addition of simple animation the fundamental visual language and brand identity of Selfsuite® was definitively established.

The Selfsuite brand and product identity comprises four fundamental components: font family, graphic designs style, restricted colour pallet and animation.

Over the last two years these building blocks have been thoroughly tried and tested across the full spectrum of communications from software design, to video to literature and marketing with considerable success, synergy, impact and appeal.

2. Trademark Registration

The name and trademark registration process was executed by Nucleus IP in London.

Nucleus IP Ltd

The name, logo and icon have been registered in four business categories:

Class 9: Computer software; computer games

Class 35: Data processing; collection of data; market research; employment demand forecasting; unemployment forecasting; skills shortage analysis and tracking; etc.

Class 38: Provision of online forums; providing access to websites advertising part time jobs; etc.

Class 41: Educational consultancy and educational information; educational assessment services; analysis of educational data; etc.

Full details of the registration is contained in the documentation links below.

3. Registered designs

Fundamental to the functionality, product positioning, user experience and uniqueness of Selfsuite® is the two-wheel interface.

This primary benefit  of this design innovation is that it allows the user to actually explore information that is relevant to their needs and aspirations.

Other systems are designed from the perspective the user already knows what they want and the system of presentation is oriented to helping the user access their choices.

By contrast the Selfsuite® two-wheel interface was conceived to cater for users who do not know exactly what they are looking for; they are looking for ideas, information, opportunities, inspiration that will help them plan their education path and make study decisions.

Under UK law, software is not subject to patent protection but is instead covered by copyright. It was felt by our legal advisors that this would not be sufficient to protect the interests of the company and its investors/shareholders. At their suggestion the design of the Graphic User Interface (GUI) was applicable for Registered Design protection.

A set of six key design variations were selected and submitted for registration with:

The Intellectual Property Office

This process was administered by our specialist Intellectual Property firm:


On the 9th October 2018 it was confirmed that:
The designs have been registered with effect from 20 September 2018.

The designs are renewable every five years up to a maximum of 25 years and the next renewal is due on 20 September 2023. We will update our internal records and remind you in advance of the next renewal.

Briffa further advised that to file registered designs in the EU or in other territories, it must be done within the six month period from the filing date (i.e. on or before 20 March 2018) so that Selfsuite® can claim priority from the UK registrations and preserve the novelty of the design.

It is therefore essential to file international design registration by 1st March 2019 or prior to launching the Prefuture MVP in the USA – whichever comes first – to maintain adequate protection of our intellectual-property assets.

Please contact:

glenn@selfsuite.comCopyright © 2018 Glenn Greenhill. All rights reserved